Who Are These Courses For?

Any And All Gun Owners

Gun owners of any shape or size. It doesn't matter if you are a brand new gun owner or a “seasoned” gun owner who just wants a refresher course or some new tips. Let’s face it, we can ALL learn something new and we all should learn something new every day. If you own a gun what you learn could be the difference between life and death. Shooting is a perishable skill! Simply put, if you don’t use it, you lose it. Furthermore, shooting in a high-stress situation is not only a perishable skill, but it is a mindset. So come on out and have some good, SAFE, 2nd Amendment fun and learn the most efficient and correct shooting skills.


I would like to welcome you to the world of shooting! Shooting is not just something for “macho” guys. As a matter of fact, I have found over the years that women often make better shooting students than men!

Women tend to be more fearful/respectful of guns. In short, most women are more worried about the loud noises, the “kick” or recoil of the weapon, and the “what if’s.” Once these stereotypes are overcome, women can become very proficient with a firearm.

The reality is, that if you are going to be under the same roof with a gun, then you too should know how it functions and how to use it. In addition to being a lot of fun, learning how to use a firearm correctly will definitely give you a sense of empowerment.

Please don’t hesitate to take advantage of this opportunity to learn how to be a safe and responsible gun owner who can also use the weapon!


If you carry a gun for a living (or want to) you owe it to yourself, the officers you work with and the public you serve to be proficient with your weapons. Whether you work in patrol or any other unit, in these trying times you need to pursue training opportunities on your own in order to protect yourself.

If you are just entering the academy or having trouble with training, I can help you to have the ability to pass qualifications, the first time!

Kids (12 and up with a guardian present)

Yes, you heard me right, KIDS! Kids are easily influenced and without a doubt, very curious individuals. Unfortunately, in today’s society, kids all too often learn about guns from video games, social media, and perhaps the most frightening, their friends. As you can guess, this can lead to a sad story on the 5 o’clock news about an accidental shooting.

As a parent and retired cop, my boys have been exposed to guns, literally their entire lives! I decided long ago that my boys were not going to become a statistic. I did this by taking the mystery out of guns by teaching them about guns. First of all they had to learn to never touch my guns (even though they were locked in a safe), and to respect and be safe around guns.

I taught them that it was ok to ask questions about guns. I allowed them to handle UNLOADED guns in a safe, supervised manner and taught them to never point a gun at something unless they intended to destroy it.

Based on these lessons (and of course a lot more), I am proud to say they are both safe and responsible shooters. Both of them are confident and safe with guns and will also monitor and remind others,

I can do the same thing for your kids. I will teach them the importance of gun safety and to respect the power of guns. I have taught several kids (including my own) and they have all come away with great results.