Rules & Regs

  1. Treat every firearm as if it were loaded.

  2. Do not point your gun at anything you don’t want to shoot/destroy

  3. Know your backdrop.

  4. Keep your finger outside of the trigger guard (this is called indexing).

  5. Never rely on a mechanical device as a safety - YOU are the gun safety.

  6. Do not laze anyone (sweep them with bbl of your gun).

  7. Do not walk forward of the shooting line.

  8. Do NOT back up after shooting

  9. Eyes and ears MUST be worn when shooting is going on.

  10. Have fun!!!

  11. Check your egos at the front gate!

  12. PLEASE do not hesitate to ask questions! The chances are someone else has the same question.

  13. Malfunctions happen.  Keep your gun pointed at the ground and raise your hand and the instructor will come help you.

  14. If the instructor stops you, stay still.  DO NOT turn around to see what is wrong, putting others in danger

  15. DO NOT bring a surprise guest shooter - I prepare for range day in advance - I charge per student

  16. These “rules” are created based on prior experiences - ALL of these things have happened

Equipment & Attire

  • Wear a hat - ejected brass will find its way between your eye protection and your face!

  • Do not wear open or low cut shirts or tank tops. You may look great in them but you will do the funky chicken dance if hot brass finds its way down your shirt

  • Do not wear shorts, high heels, skin-tight jeans, or shoes you would not wear for hiking (yes ALL of this has happened )

  • Wear a shirt long enough to tuck into your pants and wear a belt. Fishing hot brass out of your pants is embarrassing! An untucked shirt will impede you when drawing from the holster

  • Wear pants with pockets and belt loops with a sturdy belt. Cargo pants are highly recommended.

  • These are tactical firearms courses - NOT a fashion show!

  • Wear closed shoes. Brass bouncing off bare feet is not fun.

  • Bring sunscreen as it can get hot.

Supplies to


  • Plenty of water (camelbacks are great)

  • A sack lunch and high protein snacks

  • Fresh fruit but not sugary fruit drinks - the bees will like you

  • Sunscreen

  • A hat (no Dodgers please)

  • Use caution bringing high caffeine drinks 

  • A sweatshirt or jacket in case it gets windy

  • Eye and ear protection 

  • Ammunition for the day (200-250 rounds)

  • Consult me for new ammo regulations

  • If you do not own a gun, I have some available for rental. Consult me regarding ammunition .

  • Knee pads for advanced hand gun and ALL rifle courses 

Please contact me if you have any further questions.


****Payments are due PRIOR to attending classes***


I prepare for your training at LEAST one day in advance. As a result, I require a 48 hour cancellation notification. NO EXCEPTIONS - there are people waiting to get in and I often times have a waiting list. If you cancel last minute they lose out on a training opportunity and I lose out on time and money - so please be considerate!